
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bangalore Best Silk Sarees & Traditional Love

E ast, West, North, and South entire Indian women’s and lady love the sarees as it is an Indian traditional dress. Silk sarees also occupied the place in fashion market not only in India but also outside India. Indians are creator and manufacturer of best silk sarees, one of the Bangalore best artificial silk sarees manufacturer is Kumar Silk Mills they are providing wide assortment of prints, embroidery, design, and colors which are suitable for weddings and any special occasions. S ilk, the queen of textile industries, its fabrics created by the silkworm insect and it is cool or warm and light weight just because of these properties it is used for all weather & occasions. The history of silk goes back to more than 40000 years. India is one of biggest producers and contributing more than 20% of the world production. Silk is the strongest natural textile across the globe its fabric made-up of with natural process using silkworm larvae secrets to make cocoons, mainly it consist pr